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An Oscar worthy dinner

An Oscar worthy dinner

An Oscar worthy dinner. That was the spirit of the customer relations event promoted by NetService in Belo Horizonte on June 21. With the décor totally inspired on cinema, commercial managers welcomed guests to the O Conde restaurant, where a red carpet stretched out to greet each one. Between one conversation and another, those present watched classic scenes of the movies projected on a big screen set up in the garden of the establishment and, as a complement to the environment, the duo of musicians Jairo de Lara and Heron Alvim sang soundtracks from movies that made history.

The dinner received nearly 50 persons, including representatives from some of NetService’s most important clients, such as DETRAN-MG, Banco Mercantil and Associação Mário Penna, among others. These gastronomic encounters with clients are an opportunity to improve relations with those who contract our services. Besides that, they function as a means of prospecting new business, since an informal environment is great for presenting needs and solutions in technology areas.

The Cinema Dinner also took place in Vitoria, a city that today is the second largest market for NetService. The Argento Parrilla, a restaurant dedicated to Argentine cuisine, welcomed the guests. Volta ao Mundo, led by the musician Mirano Schuler, provided the musical setting. The relaxing setting allowed everyone to have fun and recall those movies that marked their lives and, of course, to exchange experiences and information about the IT world.

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