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New life for IT management at the Mário Penna Institute

New life for IT management at the Mário Penna Institute

The Mário Penna Association had been facing serious problems related to the IT area at its different units and, to overcome them, it contracted NetService’s full outsourcing services. In April, when the partnership began, a company team went to the client to check all system infrastructures, server safety and IT processes.
On the very first day, many failures were identified and a management shock began. The Mário Penna Institute’s (IMP) IT area began to be managed by a NetService employee, Flávio Monduzzi, who, with broad experience in technology and people management, is responsible not only for applying the best IT practices, but also to promote the monitoring of the team, suppliers and active contracts. “During the first month, we made a study of the services that were stopped in the area and we also came across problems related to a lack of transparency in contract management. So, we met with all the IMP suppliers and cut unnecessary expenses which, together, led to a savings of more than R$ 1 million for our client,” says Flávio.
According to GSTI/SDK/SNOC coordinator, Marcelo Tameirão, one of the main challenges in this partnership is to promote improvements in processes and team development, in order to generate quality in service delivery, resource optimization and better operational management. One of the measures adopted for achieving these objectives was the implementation of the Service Desk for centralizing the opening of calls and recording user requests. The tool enabled the recording of all requests from the more than 500 company IT users and, consequently, permitted measuring the request level. “Without the record, we had no means to measure team productivity or how to provision the delivery. Much work was lost when an employee left the company. With the call management services, we were able to monitor requests and guarantee the delivery of results,” says Flávio Monduzzi.

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