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New clients and contracts

New clients and contracts

The AeC Contact Center was recently added to the NetService client portfolio. The partnership was signed for installing Cisco equipment. The successful provision and customer service as per the extreme urgency needed gave NetService greater credibility at the client, which has already looked up the company for providing new IT services. On October 2, AeC representatives were present at the head office to introduce a new and even more complex demand that will further strengthen the partnership between companies.

Another client won over in recent months is Schneider Electric, a company specialized in energy management that contracted material supply services and specialized labor from NetService for implementing an automation project in Corumbá (MS).

Besides those clients cited, others who entered into new contracts were:
Vale, SES-MG, SEDS-MG, Federal District Military Police, Cedro Têxtil, IPEM-MG, GE Transportation, Banco Mercantil do Brasil, among others.

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