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CMBH selects Service Desk of NetService

CMBH selects Service Desk of NetService

On January 6th, the Service Desk of NetService started operating at Belo Horizonte City Council. With this service, the customer will have the support of a highly qualified team, which will provide IT infrastructure management services. The company will also provide an incident and requisition management system, the documentation of both internal and network and server processes, and it will develop a contingency plan. All these services will be provided to add value and transparency to the services provided by the IT department.

Benefits to customers:

• Professionalization of IT service management;
• Better quality and transparency of IT service provision;
• Faster service to fulfill requisitions and requests;
• Users can track in real time the status of their requests and incidents that are being addressed;
• Management of supervision, productivity and performance reports.

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