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Incluir Program: promoting integration of the handicapped at the company

Incluir Program: promoting integration of the handicapped at the company

Recruiting and training professionals with handicaps. Those are the objectives of the Incluir Program, a project implemented by the Organizational Human Development (OHD) area and that, up to the moment, has already attracted seven professionals with special needs to the staff of NetService employees. They are people with slight physical limitations but who perform their functions efficiently.

Such is the case of administrative assistant Suelen Soares. Graduated in Letters, today she is a member of the Personnel Department team, her first experience with Human Resources. “My job has been very gratifying. I am learning a lot about the routine in the area and my work colleagues are very accessible. I am growing professionally,” says Suelen, who says she has found a more promising work environment at NetService than her previous experiences. “At my last job, I felt like the work I was doing was far from my actual capacity. I have a slight physical deficiency, but that does not impede me from exercising my activities like any other professional,” she says.

At the launch of the Program, NetService managers were invited to watch the lecture “Social Inclusion of Handicapped People in the Work Perspective”, given by Promed professionals. The action was strategically created to sensitize those who occupy positions of decision at the company about the social importance of hiring the handicapped and instructing them about the best way to promote the actual inclusion of the new employee to the team. And the benefits are already visible: after launching the program, the number of professionals with handicaps at NetService increased from one to the current seven, and the managers see in practice that the handicapped can indeed collaborate in the areas.

Besides attracting, the Program involves the training of professionals. After a probation period, the employee’s performance is evaluated by his manager, together with the HR professional, and proposals for development are raised.

And that was precisely the characteristic of the Incluir Program that called the attention of administrative assistant Douglas Alves, who today works in the finance department. He learned of the project at the job interview and became interested. “I thought it was really cool for NetService to invest in that, because many companies hire people with handicaps just to fill their staff of employees and that’s it. The Incluir Program not only hires, but it also trains,” says the employee, whose interest in technology brought him to NetService.

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