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NetService initiates its activities at Petrobras

NetService initiates its activities at Petrobras

NetService won in October 2014, a Petrobras’ bid for the provision of maintenance services and operational improvements of the CFTV system, development of new technologies for open and informative TV and videoconference systems maintenance at all company units in the State of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais (REGAP and Ibiritermo). The activities started in March 2015, mobilizing approximately 30 professionals in the 12 cities where the related calls will be made to the maintenance of cameras, videoconference, technical support and warranty of the physical infrastructure of IT (optical and metallic cables and alarm systems).

“This Contract represents a milestone for NetService, because it is our first customer in the petrochemical industry and has already started working in one of the largest companies in the world, “says the Budget and Projects Coordinator, Fernando Silva. The challenges, of course, there will be many, considering the peculiarities of business of Petrobras, which demand, for example, by the transport of the teams by vessels and by the adoption of security measures differentiated work, such as the training of NR 20 (security with flammable and combustible) and hiring a professional Clinic to inspect localities and draw up basic programs (PPRA and PCMSO) for each complex.

The benefits to the company by hiring NetService services range from the safety of your employees and visitors, with the management of physical security solutions, up to the cost reduction with travel processes, the result of performance assurance solutions that enable meetings via videoconference. The CFTV technical specialist, Armando Alves, underscores the concern of the company not only to maintain the full performance of systems available today on the client, but, above all, to ensure the development of image transmission technologies. “We have qualified professionals in 4 k and 8 k imaging technologies, which will give the necessary support for the company when these technologies become commonplace,” he explains.

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