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NetService is among the 25 SMEs with Best Practices of Personnel Management

NetService is among the 25 SMEs with Best Practices of Personnel Management

NetService is among the “Top 25 PME’s with Good People Management Practices of 2014”. This is shown by the survey conducted by HR Management magazine, which assessed information about leadership practices, diversity, life quality and communication in 250 small and medium-sized Brazilian companies that mostly grew in 2013, according to a survey of the Exame PME magazine.

“We are very happy with this result. Being part of such a unique group of companies reinforces our commitment to develop and empower personnel who work with us,” says the NetService CEO, José Neto. As recognition, the company was honored on March 21 at the Awards, which took place in the Auditorium of the University of Anhembi Morumbi in Sao Paulo. The event also had Sand Touch Theatre Group, which presented the play The Game of Life.

In order to join the survey, NetService was invited to answer an inquiry that assessed the company’s practices in the sectors of leadership and development, diversity, interns and trainees programs, career development (attraction and retention), life quality, organizational environment, internal and external communication, waging practices, benefits, health and safety, meaning, purpose and recognition of employee.

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