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NetService stands out at the Samarco Central Safety Committee

NetService stands out at the Samarco Central Safety Committee

NetService was one of the prominent companies in compliance with Health and Safety practices in the Samarco Fourth Pelletizing Plant Project. The award, held during the Central Safety Committee meeting, took place on October 1 at the Ponta UBU unit, in Espírito Santo. The meeting gathered service providers for the Project and promoted the discussion of themes related to Occupational Health and Work Safety.

The Executive Manager of NetService Operations, Leonardo Loss, representing the company at the meeting, received the award.
“This award is recognition of a job we have been performing for some time now, always prioritizing actions that promote the health and safety of our employees,” says Loss, referring to the effort by the SESMT team in work accident prevention and the commitment by all employees who work directly or indirectly in the project.

The good result is fruit of several actions, such as onsite and ongoing monitoring by a Work Safety technician in the execution of activities and the effort and commitment of the entire field team in complying with safety procedures, proper use of uniform and PPE, among other measures.

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