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NetService wins two Petrobrás bidding processes in the Technology area

NetService wins two Petrobrás bidding processes in the Technology area

Two bidding processes at the Petrobrás Technology area were won by NetService in September. The first one refers to a monitoring project and assets support. NetService will monitor all assets of Petrobrás and its affiliates in Brazil, as well as some assets of international affiliates. In addition, in conjunction with monitoring a provision of support services to equipment in a remote manner is developed. The provision of services is carried out 24 hours a day through five shift groups (CCNA Level Analysts, 1 CCNP Analyst Level and 1 Supervisor in business hours). This agreement will last two years.

The second contract will be valid for technical support for projects. All projects that enter Petrobrás in Brazil will have interaction with the NetService team, which will provide technical support, field support and technical evaluation. Ten people are part of this service. NetService is currently concluding three operations in force with Petrobrás.

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