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NetService maintains ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 20000 certifications

NetService maintains ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 20000 certifications

NetService went through an external auditing process with the objective of maintaining the first OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 standards and for ISO 9001 recertification at the company. Auditors from the DNV certification body were at the head offices and the Espírito Santo branch to talk with strategic employees at the company and, thus, evaluate whether the processes in different areas are in agreement with what is required for maintaining the standards.

At the end of the process, NetService maintained its certifications, which reveals management’s concern about quality, safety and environment. “In this process, everyone’s participation and involvement was fundamental for the result’s success. Thus, we thank those who direct or indirectly participated and we reinforce the importance of this achievement for company growth,” says the coordinator of the Quality and People Development area, Roseane Souza.

ISO 20000
ISO 20000 certification was also assessed by the external auditors. A representative of the BSI certification body visited NetService and after getting to know its IT management processes and ascertaining their fitness to standard requirements, he guaranteed maintenance of certification. With that, the company is still in the select group of Brazilian IT companies with the title. It was first earned in 2008 and, after the last external audit, an update to the new version of the standard was recommended: ISO 20000-1/2011. As an internationally recognized Information Technology standard, ISO 20000 ensures those clients who contract NetService that the company is determined to continuously improve the delivery of its services and to always adopt the best IT practices.

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