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Students from the Instituto Federal Fluminense in a technical tour to NetService

Students from the Instituto Federal Fluminense in a technical tour to NetService

Students attending Information Science technical courses of at the Instituto Federal Fluminense, in Itaperuna (RJ), were in a technical tour to NetService headquarter on December 10. The group of students was welcomed by Romney Dutra, Manager of Continued Services, and his team, which introduced the company and its management model to the visitors.

After some lectures, during which the students learned about the routine of an IT company and the management system of its services, the team started a guided tour through the company’s facilities. “The tour was excellent. We were looking for a company that could demonstrate our students the whole potential of Information Science. The company was ready for the tour and we were received very well. The staff showed all operation sectors and the company’s history, and we noticed that all of them presented an excellent knowledge base in the areas”, says Orlando Afonso, the coordinator of Information Science technical courses at the Instituto Federal Fluminense.

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